Follow the Star - Night 3

God guides us to joy.

The Shepherds and Angels – Luke 2:8-20
The birth of Jesus brought together possibly the greatest celebration the world and heavens had ever known.

  • Does the celebration and praise of Jesus Christ come easily for you? How is that celebration carried out in your life? 
  • In this difficult year, what can you celebrate that Jesus has brought to you or your family’s lives?

ACTIVITY: Use the cake mix, icing, and candles to make a birthday cake, and celebrate the birth of Jesus with a birthday party for Jesus. Discuss something you or your family could give Jesus this coming year as a gift.

For Families with Kids:

There was a lot of joy about Jesus coming, just as there is a lot of joy and anticipation as we get closer to Christmas Day! When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, there was a celebration that topped all celebrations; God had planned it before He even created the world. The good news of Jesus’ birth brought joy! A huge crowd of angels appeared to the shepherds, celebrating and praising God. The ultimate way God brings us joy is through Jesus!

  • What is your favorite way to celebrate Jesus’ birth? 
  • How does Jesus bring joy to your life?